Full-time work

Gap-fill exercise

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If part-time work is not the , therefore, one should how to make full-time work more flexible and to the personal needs of women. There are three main difficulties in full-time work with family responsibilities:

1. First, the "long hours" culture in some jobs often makes by women with family responsibilities difficult. For instance, suggests that one of the main reasons behind the lower of women in managerial positions is the very long working hours usually of managers.

flexitime.jpg2. A second difficulty is the unpredictability of work that affects some types of jobs (again, unpredictability is higher in managerial and professional , and also in some such as hotels and restaurants), placing them outside the of women with family responsibilities. Work that are regular and predictable make it easier to full-time work and family life.

3. The final and probably most important difficulty in family and full-time work in Europe is the of to flexible working-time arrangements. Most European jobs have rigid time , with very limited possibilities for workers to working times to their needs. More than two thirds of European employees have working , with no possibilities for change; only around 13% of all European offer advanced forms of flexible time arrangements such as working time or annualised working hours. So there is no doubt there is room for in this area, which would have a substantial on the capacity of European workers (male and female) to paid working hours to the of life outside work.